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How to Get Caned

Caning concentrates burning pain in sharp lines, lines you deserve. Here are the three things worth knowing:

  • Tip of the Cane

    The tip of the cane is positioned in the middle of the furthest cheek. The tip moves fastest so letting it deeply punish your cheek prevents it wrapping around the side of your butt which could cause injury.

  • Magazine

    A magazine gripped with his elbow against his side lets his wrist and the cane do all the work. With greater control, each stroke leaves its mark.

  • Spread Strokes

    To start with, the cane lands across the middle of your bottom. Tight strokes above and below the first leave you sore and suitably sorry. Strokes where your bottom meets your thighs hurt like hell but work like magic. You will remember your strokes when you sit down for several days.