« Spanking Stories
« Tamsin, Diane, Kate and Louise
23. Hack AttackA girl spanks herself for selfishness, unaware the strict man she loves is a heartbeat away |
Having a spanking coming, Tamsin gets the strap from Jake, bending over the bed |
«Beginning |
Outback sunlight draining away from his rear deck, Jake settled into his gray cushioned seating, staring at his computer shed. Twisting his Redback beer bottle, he reviewed his silenced world. Gone summed it up. Beauty, brightness, pleasure and purpose all gone. Tamsin gone.
Trapped in his gaze, his shed seized his miserable mind. His computer rigs oversaw his Swiss bunker, monitoring Angelica's schemes, building his defense if she ever attacked him. Caught up in his catastrophe, he'd failed to realize his life-changing result. Angelica gone. She'd bought his ruse, demanding back her stolen six million. Coming all the way to Limit Creek to shit on him, she wouldn't have forgiven his seven hundred million heist. If she knew.
Fear of Angelica had kept him hiding in Limit Creek. She'd done her damage, smashed his life, and stolen Tamsin. Freedom flooded his brain, love overwhelming him. He'd stand before Tamsin. Even if she dismissed him, he'd tell her he loved her. His iPhone showed Saturday. The next flight out of Limit Creek was four desperate days away.
Tamsin shut off her parent's shower, padding into her ground floor bedroom. Facing the quiet residential street, afternoon glare stretched across her bed. Organized pages from her Boeing 737 manuals covered her floor.
Declining to dissect her relationship with Jake, she'd kept conversation with her parents focused on her future instead of her past. This morning's letter confirmed Diamond Cross Air expected her at jet training in six weeks. Unpaid in the meantime, she'd considered a bar job. Her parents had guaranteed her enormous pilot loan. Calculations had showed she'd saved enough in Limit Creek to bridge her gap, so she'd given herself a proper break.
Hanging her towel on a chair, she opened her closet, sliding on her white lace tanga panties before the door mirror. Watching them traverse her toned legs and sit supreme on her butt, she smiled. She hadn't felt sexy in weeks. Wondering if it still worked, she cupped her sex, warming her white cotton, tilting her head at her image. Her solid white front triangle centered her sex among sensational curves. Her sex reacted to its praise. Spinning, she smoothed her palms over her lace, sliding onto skin as her brief coverage exposed cheeky cheeks. Easing her hand from her bare skin, she landed a light spank. Pathetic in reality, the sting awoke her spirit. She treated her other cheek to a fair equivalent, savoring the sound and sting of her nominal spanking.
Her parents were visiting friends. Hunting through the house in her panties, she borrowed a wooden spoon from the kitchen. In her bedroom, she chose ten solid spanks. Refusing to accept less, she gave herself ten on her right cheek, below her panties. Compounding sting onto sting, she forced herself to bear its severity. Switching, she landed ten on her other cheek, surprised by its intensity.
Falling onto her bed, the spoon abandoned, she slid her hand into her tight panties, her spare fingers grazing her appreciative nipples. Circling her excited clit, she imagined why she might deserve her hot bottom. Thinking back over her flight home and her last weeks, she landed on her niggling concern. In her anger, she'd never given Jake a chance to explain. She'd owed him that. Months together had vaporized behind her fury.
Visualizing his strictness, she rubbed herself, imagining he was strapping her stinging cheeks. She pictured him standing over her single bed. Rolling onto her front, imagining her backside under his fierce strap, she circled her clit hard, pretending his strapping burned without mercy. It should. She hadn't let him speak after that horrific day. She'd met her obligation to Diane at the price of Jake's utter isolation.
Twelve strokes. That's what she deserved. Twelve savage lashes of their heavy oxblood-red leather strap. He made her listen to him while he flogged her. He struck her lace covered cheeks, merciless fury blazing lethal heat into her rude behind as he explained himself.
Hot under his command, her commitment to listen stretched to twenty-four strokes for his entire account. Ruthless lashes struck her raised bottom. She bore her punishment, respecting his right to speak, accepting her strapping with dignity. He scolded her inhumanity, explaining his past, leathering her ignorant cheeks. Poised on perfection under his strict control, she exploded into her white lace, waves of fearless orgasms sweeping through her stunned brain.
Her exquisite climax spreading warm comfort through her curves, she picked up her iPhone. Ten thousand miles apart, she still owed them both honest closure. Calculating it was midnight for him, she dialed his home number. Ringing in her ear, her mind settled. She readied herself to apologize and listen. Ten rings damned her readiness, twenty disheartened her. She'd built up her courage, and he wasn't home. At midnight? Another girl? Had he forgotten her already?
After two calm hours of proper rest, she slid from her bed, returning the wooden spoon. Checking on her city-bound train due in an hour, she slithered into her cute red party dress. The only single girl among Diane's friends tonight, she'd electrify. Her body-con perfection teased into a ruffle hem, spaghetti straps exposing her bare shoulders. Worn in Limit Creek, it brought memories of Margaret. She'd been with Jake then. Damn, she missed him. It was Tuesday. On his arm, she'd have felt extra sweet, promised his belt before bed. She missed her Tuesday beltings. They'd grounded her. Sleeping tonight on Diane's couch, she stuffed jeans and flat sneakers into her tote and headed towards her train, clueless fate held her future poised.
Tamsin smiled. Among couples, she felt less alone than she'd imagined. Beautiful bodies filling Ben's apartment, sensational hair abounded. She'd thanked Kate for supplying endless Hair Air and kindness.
Hugged, she'd met Louise. The packaging salesgirl had supplied humorous tales of taming corporate wives. Unashamed in auspicious company, she'd revealed she needed stringent canings before entering Andrew's competitive corporate battleground.
Diane wove her into her friends, their outback adventure making her feel exciting.
Over rich Bolognese risotto, Ben revealed Hair Air subscribers had risen through ten million. Every national retailer had ordered millions of pouches. He credited Jenna, their visionary marketing manager.
Neil's iPhone disrupted dinner. It didn't ring. One hundred automated messages decimated his screen in seconds. Ben's gaze zeroed in on Neil, recognizing trouble. Neil cleared his messages, ignoring the dinner table. His iPhone vibrated. He answered, taking his call into Ben's home office.
Conversation continued in spurts, everybody aware something untoward had happened. Ten minutes passed. Neil emerged, causing silence. "Ben, we're in trouble. Hair Air is under attack. A concerted DDOS attack has collapsed our website, preventing everything, subscribers, retailer ordering, the lot."
"Is it intentional?"
He nodded
"Add servers?" Ben suggested.
Neil shook his head. "They'll just increase to match. It's a distributed denial of service attack. They've harnessed millions of home computers, making them pummel our website with fake visitors, overwhelming our servers."
"Thwart them," Ben said. "Get creative."
Neil's brain computed. He'd learned Jake's actual history from Diane. He needed ruthless technical skill. Hacker or not, Jake knew the breed. Launching his gaze along the dinner table, he settled on Tamsin's stunning red dress. "Tamsin, I need Jake."
Neil's fear powered her iPhone from her bag. Scrolling to Jake's home number in Limit Creek, she dialed. It rang. After ten rings, her heart plummeted. Ten more spelled disaster for Hair Air.
Shaking her head, she said, "His home phone just rings unanswered."
"Try his cell phone," Neil said.
"No cell phone coverage in Limit Creek."
Desperation overtaking him, Neil said, "Try anyway."
Tamsin dialed, placing her iPhone on speaker so Neil could hear it ring unanswered.
Her hopeless heart listened to ten rings on the hushed dining table. Absorbed in the rhythmic ringing, a sleepy voice shattered her concentration.
His rich sound shocked her heart, wrapping it in silence.
Neil leaned towards the phone. "Jake, it's Neil. I need your help."
"Neil?" Jake asked.
"Diane's boyfriend."
Awakening, he said, "Hey, Neil."
"Jake, Hair Air is under sustained DDOS attack. I need mega help."
"How many gigabits?"
"Hang on," Neil said, thumbing his own iPhone. "Erika, he yelled, how much bandwidth is the attack?" His dependable Swedish lieutenant snapped into his ear. He called, "Jake, one gigabit per second."
Spewing out an email address, Jake said. "Neil, dump your DNS zone and send me a copy. I'm coming online."
Relaying to Erika, Neil understood Jake's demand. The Domain Name System translated HairAir's familiar website into a numerical address, directing visitors to their website.
"Neil, listen up," Jake said. "I've replied to Erika's email. Tell her to switch your root DNS to the name-servers I've emailed. I'm routing your traffic through my Swiss bunker. One gigabit is tiny. I'll examine your traffic, identify the crap, and route it nowhere."
"Thanks Jake, I appreciate your help."
"No worries. Given Tamsin is calling, is she with you?"
Neil glanced at Tamsin. She nodded. He said, "Yes. She's here."
Neil paced, Erika glued to his ear. Silence suspended over the room. A clicking keyboard provided their dinner soundtrack. Diane understood Tamsin's awkward position. Earlier, she'd imparted enough detail to satisfy Kate and Louise.
Jake said, "Tamsin, I love you. I've loved you since I met you. Scared you'd leave Limit Creek, I never told you. I'm sorry. If you never speak to me, hold my love in your heart. You are in mine forever. I was a hacker, the worst. Angelica spoke the truth. I honed my skills in Limit Creek. She sucked me into her orbit. I was young, she was pretty. Neil, has Erika pointed your traffic to my name-servers yet?"
Checking with Erika, Neil said, "Jake, five minutes before it takes effect."
"Okay," Jake said. "Tamsin, I struggled to tell you, afraid you'd despise me. For five years, I've tracked Angelica's activity, building evidence to ruin her, if she attacked me. I expected digital destruction. I never imagined she'd turn up in Limit Creek."
Diane scrutinized Tamsin, powerless to judge if Jake's entreaty was reaching fertile ground.
"Neil, I've nailed them," Jake said. "Your website should respond to genuine traffic."
Neil told Erika. His relaxed demeanor revealed success to the whole dining table.
"Neil, your attackers aren't as smart as they imagine. Shall I trace them?"
"God, yes please," Neil said.
Jake continued. "Tamsin, I'm sorry. Your beauty lights me up. You brought infinite joy and brilliant purpose into my isolated world. I promise to tell you everything, however bad. I intended Angelica to discover her six million. Over my last year in her clutches, I diverted seven hundred million from her. If she knew, we'd have known."
Gasps engulfed the dining table.
Jake heard. "I guess we're far from alone. It doesn't matter. I love you, Tamsin. Secrets have hurt me. They've hurt us. If you'll have me, I want us. I want you." Unanswered, Jake continued, "Neil, your attackers are notorious. A cheap operation. I've peeked into their payment ledger. These recent names mean anything? Bonus Wholesale, KRT Cosmetics."
"Shit," Ben said.
Jake said, "I guess that's your guilty party."
"Jake, it's Ben, founder of Hair Air."
"Nice to meet you, mate."
"Thank you for helping. KRT is my previous employer. I crushed them in court. I guess they couldn't take it."
"Neil," Jake said. "I'll build you an in-house defense structure. Shall I liaise with Erika?"
"Yes please, Jake. Thank you."
"No worries," Jake said. "Tamsin, believe in me. Believe in us. I'd decided to leave Limit Creek beside you before trouble descended. I'll love you anywhere on earth. Every exquisite inch of your body entrances me. Your heart holds mine. I'm sorry. Please forgive me."
Silence ensued. Every girl's gaze locked onto Tamsin. She didn't feel their heat. He'd had her at 'I love you'. His public apology had compounded her certainty with every word. She burst into tears. "Jake, I love you."
"I'm at the Belmont Palace Hotel," he said. "I've come for you."
"You're here?" she wept. "You've come for me?"
Kate leaped first. Snatching jackets, she flung them towards girls. Diane pulled Tamsin to her feet, her live iPhone clutched in her fist. Ripping open the apartment door, Kate led Diane, Tamsin, and Louise. They tore down the internal stone stairs, heals announcing their urgent approach.
"It's five minutes walk," Kate yelled, hitting the sidewalk.
Tamsin wept into her phone. "I'm coming."
Four blocks south, Jake abandoned the presidential suite, bashing the elevator button. The Limit Creek airfield manager had connected him with the charter company who'd flown Angelica. They'd arrived in hours. Onboard their Pilatus jet, he'd left Limit Creek bound for Tamsin. A luxurious Bombardier business jet had brought him from Perth. He'd planned to visit her parents tomorrow, camping on their lawn until she listened to him. Asleep for one hour in the Belmont Palace Hotel, his ringing iPhone had delivered her.
Three girls protected one. Hustling four blocks, Tamsin reported her progress to Jake. Diane heard male tones proving her friend's lifeline was alive.
Bursting into the Belmont Palace Hotel's ornate lobby, Diane spotted him first. Three girls dispersed, leaving Tamsin standing alone before Jake.
He scooped her into his arms, unaware anyone else existed. "I love you. In this hotel, in Limit Creek, anywhere on earth, I love you."
Captured in his mighty arms, her whole body shook. Tears of unadulterated joy pouring down her cheeks, she said, "I love you, too. I loved you long before I knew you were rich."